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BeyondWords.js – plug-and-play audio magic

BeyondWords.js – plug-and-play audio magic

In today’s fast-paced media landscape, news publishers eager to adopt AI audio for their articles can find themselves struggling to get started. Lengthy and costly development cycles typically involved in integrating new features into existing publishing workflows can be discouraging.

Without plug-and-play solutions, publishers can face delays, increased expenses, and the need for extensive teams to manage both CMS and editorial processes, which hinders their ability to introduce new features.

At BeyondWords, we recognised this as a major pain point, so we developed BeyondWords.js, a low-code integration that enables any publisher to generate audio content instantly. This plug-and-play solution works across all CMS platforms, providing an alternative to backend API integrations. And it works with paywalls, too!

You can add the code manually to each article or you can embed it on all your articles to instantly bring audio to all of them at once. Yes, it’s really that easy.

BeyondWords.js automatically generates and distributes the audio through the BeyondWords Player. Ideal for publishers with tight development timelines or limited engineering resources, ensuring a hassle-free setup. Just copy, paste, listen.

Joe Doherty, Director of Web Development at The Channel Company, says:

“Converting text to audio with BeyondWords has never been easier. We have a bit of JavaScript that automatically crawls new content designated by the editor. It's a hands-off process, making this incredibly easy for content editors.”

Getting started with BeyondWords.js is easy. Go to your Project settings, select CMS, then BeyondWords.js and then add your website URL. Copy the embed code into your article template and enable it. See this guide for further instructions.

<script async defer src=""
  onload="new BeyondWords.Player({
    target: this,
    projectId: <ID>,
    clientSideEnabled: true

Ready to explore AI audio? Sign up for free or contact our team to schedule a demo.